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Huilan Xu

tree branches at night.jpg
wet road.jpg
hand in sunset.jpg

Tree Branches at Night, from the series Half a Mile, 2020
inkjet print
31 x 49

Wet Road, from the series Half a Mile, 2020
inkjet print
31 x 53 ¾

Hand in Sunset, from the series Half a Mile, 2020
inkjet print
31 x 39

Artist Statement

Half A Mile is a documentation of natural substances as both traces of time and textures of objects. Photos are taken within half a mile radius of my apartment at different times of the days. These photos are later arranged together according to a given time structure. I walk, stop, and wander around. Swinging between the states of moving and waiting. It is within the intervals of temporal and physical distances that I come to be with myself as I feel unsatisfied and not enough, seeking how to be.


About Huilan

Huilan Xu is a senior student major in Film, Photography, and Visual Art at Ithaca College. She is from Southern China, a warm tropical area where rain and heat are the prominent parts of her life. School, factory, village, city, and home are five major institutions that shape her and her understanding of the world. They are also the key sources of creation and inspiration for her, which are expressed through various mediums, including photography, film, writing, painting, and installation. With photography, she is specifically keen on sequencing, abstraction, structure, and landscape. She likes to explore grouping or arranging images in ways that give rise to collision and complicated experience with the images. Her works are usually enigmatic, like puzzles, through which she desires to not only depict the ineffable through the ambiguity of images but also invite and engage her viewers into the process of interpreting and solving the work in the way they wish.


"The Relationship between what we see and what we know is never settled."

                                              - John Berger


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