Olivia Long
In Search of Breath / Andy, 2021
monoprints, pins
installation varies

About In Search of Breath/Andy
This series is an exploration of multitude and the repetition of daily living in conjunction with grief. Each image stems from the same delicately drawn mark, and through the process of making the line becomes a version of breath itself. Moving in and fading out, the line becomes crows, which find their places in the ever-present grid. Through repetition, these images begin to form a language learning to communicate — uncovering and re-telling pieces of narrative and memory, they become a physical ode to what is lost, constantly shifting and forming to new realities. Each piece exists as a witness to the collective, while simultaneously enveloped in it.
About Olivia
Olivia Long is an interdisciplinary artist creating narrative-driven work with a foundation in print media. Olivia employs memory and personal experience as a lens to explore layered family histories and the many realities of living with grief. In many ways Olivia’s work morphs into a reflection of her own modes of thinking and living - it is layered, in conversation with itself, and constantly in flux.