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Gemma Galluci

the lovers.png

The Lovers, 2021
oil on canvas
9 x 12 ½

The Moon, 2021
oil on canvas
11 x 14


the moon.png

Artist Statement

Using oil painting as an expression of their identity, Gemma seeks to convey aspects of their emotional state to the world that they do not yet fully understand within themself, hoping to work them out through the manipulation of paint. Within the strict confines of using a dead pallet and two pears as the subject of The Lovers, Gemma attempts to convey a feeling of serenity and comfort, influenced by Edward Weston’s Pepper No. 14. Pulling from a more personal place of inspiration within the creation of The Moon, the subject matter holds great significance within its underlying symbolism and dark background. The cold and hard yet fragile cherub sculpture is a symbol of the dichotomy between youth and longevity as well as having been assigned the role of protector of The Garden of Eden within Abrahamic religions. By its side is the tarot card The Moon, which signifies a person’s subconscious undercurrents as well as representing the artist’s astrological sun and moon sign, Pisces. Pairing an eternal protector of mystical ignorance with a symbol of psychological shadows is a play on Gemma’s lack of understanding regarding their own levels of intelligence.

About Gemma

Growing up with two athletic siblings, Gemma was always considered the “artistic” child. Without much else to to identify with in early youth, they decided it was their duty to step fully into this title. Moving through hobbies such as dancing, singing, guitar playing, poetry, embroidery, jewelry making, painting, and sculpting, Gemma jumped through as many different artistic hoops as they could get their hands on. As a filmmaker they have explored the connection between personal identity and outward expression through fiction pieces, experimental  performance art, and immersive documentary making. In their final semester of college, they decided to reconnect with their lost love of oil painting that they for a time had put to the side in pursuit of an education in film-making.

"The Relationship between what we see and what we know is never settled."

                                              - John Berger


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